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downloads:avolites-fixture-finder [2024/08/12 20:08] icke_siegendownloads:avolites-fixture-finder [2024/08/12 20:10] (current) icke_siegen
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  {{:downloads:aff_3_m.jpg?100|Ergebnisliste}}  {{:downloads:aff_4_m.jpg?100|Hilfe}}   {{:downloads:aff_3_m.jpg?100|Ergebnisliste}}  {{:downloads:aff_4_m.jpg?100|Hilfe}} 
  {{:downloads:aff_5_m.jpg?100|Detailanzeige}}  {{:downloads:aff_5_m.jpg?100|Detailanzeige}}
 +==== English version ====
 +The Fixture Finder was created to quickly find suitable personalities for unknown fixtures. This happens more and more often in particular with mass LED fixtures which stem from the same manufacturer but are sold under different brands or labels.
 +In order to use the Fixture Finder you need to know the fixture's DMX channel layout - the more exactly the better. Just searching for fixtures with the same total number of channels and two or three prominent channel assignments often yields a short list of results which can then be easily scanned for a suitable model. As with every search engine the results are better with more specific search details:
 +  * the total number of channels is always an important information
 +  * then add a few channels, e.g. Pan on ch. 1, Shutter on ch. 6, Gobo on ch. 13
 +  * usually a very limited number of channels is required to get results
 +  * if your fixture is RGB or CMY then add one colour channel, if your fixture has gobos then add the gobo channel...
 +In 2019 the finder has been thoroughly overhauled and is now optimized for use with mobile devices.
 +Find the Finder here:  
downloads/avolites-fixture-finder.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/12 20:10 by icke_siegen

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