Web API request


Sets the level of the master on the given handle.

API https://api.avolites.com/12.0/Masters.SetMaster.html
namespace Masters
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Masters/SetMaster?handle={handle}&value={float}
example http://localhost:4430//titan/script/2/Masters/SetMaster?handle_titanId=1605&value=0.5 (link opens in new tab)
action sets the grand master to 50%.
parameter Handle - the master to be set
value Float - the value to be applied to the master
returns nothing if succesful
error message if failed
remarks Using a usernumber will fail as masters don't have one. Either assign the master to a handle and use its location or use the reserved Titan ID, see titanId
The possible range of values depends from the master. Values outside the range of possible values are silently ignored by Titan.
The value for Intensity masters is 0…1 and corresponds with 0…100% intensity.
The value for rate masters may go from 0 to 10 depending from the master's setting. By default, rate masters go from 0% to 200%, and the value range is 0…2.
For BPM masters the value directly sets the BPM value. E.g. SetMaster?handle_titanId=1615&value=128 sets BPM master 4 to 128 BPM.

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