Charles Hoebanx, March 2021
If any of this isn't reflecting your own experience maybe I should know… :
I managed to find my way through the testing tools, thanks to Sebastian, but I found the USB Expert LED test tool a bit finicky so a little follow up may be useful for someone in the future.
The only reliable way I found to test all my leds was to do exactly this :
connect the Mobile, open USB Expert Console
start the ACW service (Tools>ACW>Start)
under Connected Panels click Titan Mobile Panel 1
on the right side click on the 'LEDs' tab
For now, don't touch anything apart from the 'Led Range' section, and don't check the 'All' box.
Keep 1 as Start Led, and set the End Led at 56.
Now in the 'Binary State' section you can use any of the three (On/50/Off) buttons, and all leds should react accordingly (except those of the faders swop buttons).
If you use a greater number than 56 in the range (i.e. 1>57 or 2>57), it won't work at all. You won't even be able to off the leds you lit up until you go back to 56.
Note that the other test functions won't work either if the led range stop is above 56.
The 'All' button seems to have no effect (other than preventing you from editing the range), don't bother.
The 'Step Through LEDs' Function will allow you to find the order or the number of your faulty LED - if you have only one.
Yes, excluding faders there are only 54 leds on the TM. But [Record] is #56 and [Go] is #55.
In my tests, numbers 30, 39 and 47 never lit anything. Sebastian says 30 is my faulty [Blind] led, and I could lit everything else, so I assume 39 and 47 are unassigned numbers.
Again, I never managed to lit the fader's swop buttons, but they're easy enough to test in Titan itself so I won't bother.