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Titan Tricks

Testing LEDs with USB Expert

Charles Hoebanx, March 2021


If any of this isn't reflecting your own experience maybe I should know… :

I managed to find my way through the testing tools, thanks to Sebastian, but I found the USB Expert LED test tool a bit finicky so a little follow up may be useful for someone in the future.

The only reliable way I found to test all my leds was to do exactly this :

Important Notes:

In my tests, numbers 30, 39 and 47 never lit anything. Sebastian says 30 is my faulty [Blind] led, and I could lit everything else, so I assume 39 and 47 are unassigned numbers.

Again, I never managed to lit the fader's swop buttons, but they're easy enough to test in Titan itself so I won't bother.

Some more useful things