Void Triggers.SetPendingTargetHardware( String keyClass, MenuEventTypes eventType, String keyGroup, Int32 keyIndex, String keyName )
API | |
description | Sets the pending trigger target to a hardware target. |
namespace | Triggers |
parameter | keyClass ( String ) : name of the physical button or group of button |
eventType( MenuEventTypes ) : the type of event | |
keyGroup ( String ) : the virtual area on the console that the button maps to | |
keyIndex ( Int32 ) : the index of the key in the group | |
keyName ( String ) : the name of the button | |
return value | Void |
Inherently sets Triggers.PendingTriggerTarget
This is case sensitive!
Possible values:
MastersEncoder, PresetBlack, PresetSelect, PresetSelectTouch, PresetFlash, PresetFlashTouch, PresetFader, PlaybackBlack, PlaybackSelect (this is also the swop button), PlaybackFlash, PlaybackFader (see below), StaticPlaybackSelect ( = Swop), StaticPlaybackFlash, StaticPlaybackFader, PlaybackSelectTouch, PlaybackTouch, GroupsTouch, PositionsTouch, BeamsTouch, MediaTouch, ColoursTouch, EffectsTouch, FixturesTouch, WorkspacesTouch, MacroSelect, PlaybackPageDown, PlaybackPageUp, FixturePage, RollerPage, GrandMaster, PresetMaster, PlaybackMaster, SwopMaster, FlashMaster, DBO, Connect, Stop, Go, PreviousStep, NextStep, Review, Bounce, LiveTime, NextTime, RecordStep, SnapBack, GoBack, Clear, Locate (and some more for the various wings)
In order to hardware-trigger faders the keyClass must read “FaderMove.Fader.PlaybackFader” (at least as of Titan v17), see
As in the examples this seems to be an Enum. Either get this with Math.ToEnum(“”,“Avolites.Menus.MenuEventTypes”, “EventType”)
, or pass it directly, without quotes.
Possible eventTypes used for triggers:
OnValueChanged, OnSelect, OnButtonDown
A full list of eventTypes is available here:
keyGroup appears to be the handle group as outlined in Location, e.g. Playbacks
, PlaybackWindow
For the 'general purpose' buttons like Connect. Go, PlaybackPageUp, NextStep etc. the keyGroup is NoGroup
keyIndex is the index of the button in the group - see Location.
keyName is informational only (ASSUMPTION!), in order to display which button is associated with this trigger.
<step>Triggers.SetPendingTargetHardware( "PresetFader", Math.ToEnum( "", "Avolites.Menus.MenuEventTypes", "OnValueChanged"), "Presets", 0, "") </step> <!-- Or --> <step>Triggers.SetPendingTargetHardware("PlaybackSelect", OnButtonDown, "Playbacks", 1, "")</step>
For some more examples see