

Void Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.SetControlProgrammer(Int32 controlId, Boolean programmer)
description Sets a control's programmer state for the selected fixtures.
namespace Programmer.Editor.Fixtures
parameter controlId ( Int32 ) : The control id.
programmer ( Boolean ) : if set to true put the control in the programmer (at its present value), if false remove the control from the programmer.
return value Void
Example in

Off/On Attribute (snippets):

Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.SetControlProgrammer(Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.GetControlIdFromName("Shutter"), true)
To remove the Off flag you can call SetControlProgrammer, if the programmer parameter is set to true it will leave/put the value in the programmer (and remove the Off flag if there is one), if it is set to false the attribute will be cleared.
Also used in