

Void Playbacks.FirePlaybackAtLevel(Handle handle, LevelAdjust level, Boolean alwaysRefire)
description Fires a playback with the specified level. This function forces the playback to a level, doesn't do any level matching and always loads it if it's not loaded. If refire is set then it kills it before firing.
namespace Playbacks
parameter handle ( Handle ) : The handle to be fired.
level ( Leveladjust ) : The level to set the playback to.
alwaysRefire ( Boolean ) : if set, the playback will be killed before firing.
return value Void
Example in

Playback - Fire/Release Playbacks from Usernumber

  <step>Playbacks.FirePlaybackAtLevel(userNumber:83, level:1, true)</step>

Fires playback no. 83 at 100%. If already fired, kills it before firing.

Also used in