Table of Contents

Ai Modules

Text (Generator)

section Generator
short description renders a string to a GL render
licence level Anjuna
ports Text Input [text/multipurpose]
Font [text/multipurpose] – tbd. seems to be not operational
Output [gl/render]
Fill Color [control/colour]
Stroke Color [control/colour]
Stroke Width [control/numeric]
parameter Anchor [dropdown select] – Alignment [Left{Right/Center/Decimal]
Type [dropdown select] – 2D/3D
Text [text area] – used as text input if the port Text Input is not connected
skins ./.

This is the module which renders text into a render output. It doesn't do any text opeartions.

For this you might instead wish to have a look in the text module section, e.g. Notepad.

used in example


Renders the input string to the GL output