Web API request ====== Programmer/Editor/ClearAll ====== Clears the current programmer, and optionally all other programmers, of all fixtures and attributes, and clears the selection. ^ API | https://api.avolites.com/15.0/api/Programmer.Editor.ClearAll.html | ^ namespace | Programmer/Editor | ^ usage | ''%%http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Programmer/Editor/ClearAll?presets={bool}&allProgrammers={bool}%%'' | ^ example | [[http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Programmer/Editor/ClearAll?presets=true&allProgrammers=true]] (link opens in new tab) | ^ action | clears all programmers | ^ parameter | presets [[webapi:boolean|]]: | ^ ::: | allProgrammers [[webapi:boolean|]]: | ^ returns | nothing if successful\\ error messages if the request failed | ^ remarks | | ==== Example ==== http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Programmer/Editor/ClearAll?presets=true&allProgrammers=true ==== Used In ==== {{backlinks>.}}