Web API example ====== Titan IDs ====== Simple HTML page to read the most common Titan IDs and locations out of the currently loaded Titan show. ^ author, date | Sebastian Beutel, 2018 | ^ published | https://www.avosupport.de/downloads/miditoweb/gettitanids.htm \\ part of [[webapi:examples:miditoweb|]]| ^ prog. lang./ framework | HTML, JavaScript, CSS | ^ description | connects to Titan at localhost (same machine) and reads the most common Titan IDs and locations | ^ other requirements | A web browser. As this is a single file, it can also be downloaded and used locally. | ===== Screenshots ===== {{:webapi:examples:titan_ids_1.png?400|}} ---- ===== API Requests ===== * [[webapi:requests:system_softwareversion]] * [[webapi:requests:show_showname]] * [[webapi:requests:handles]]