Web API example ====== Playback Timestamp ====== Automatically sets legends of new playbacks to the current timestamp. ^ author, date | Sebastian Beutel, September 2021 | ^ published | https://www.avosupport.de/downloads/icke_siegen/PB%20Timestamp/ | ^ prog. lang./ framework | HTML, JS, CSS; none (wrote everything with a text editor | ^ description | Automatically sets legends of new playbacks to the current timestamp.\\ Idea from https://www.facebook.com/groups/Avolites/posts/2303543733111181/ | ^ other requirements | e.g. a web browser is required | ---- ===== Video===== {{youtube>d9_W5-m15J8?medium}} ---- ===== Screenshots ===== {{:webapi:examples:pb_ts_1.png?500|}} {{:webapi:examples:pb_ts_2.png?290|}} ---- ===== How it works ===== ''Initialize'' reads all the current playbacks and puts them into an array. ''Show Playbacksarray'' shows the current contents of this array. ''Start Legend Rewrite'' starts the real process: every second the playbacks are requested and compared to the playback array. If a playback is not in the array - which means it is new - its legend is set to the current time. ---- ===== API Requests ===== * [[:webapi:requests:System_SoftwareVersion]] * [[:webapi:requests:handles]] * [[:webapi:requests:Handles_SetSourceHandleFromHandle]] * [[:webapi:requests:ActionScript_SetProperty_String]] * [[:webapi:requests:Handles_SetLegend]]