Titan Tricks ====== Testing LEDs with USB Expert ====== Charles Hoebanx, March 2021 See https://www.facebook.com/groups/Avolites/posts/2445598162239070/?comment_id=2457377487727804 If any of this isn't reflecting your own experience maybe I should know... : ---------- I managed to find my way through the testing tools, thanks to Sebastian, but I found the USB Expert LED test tool a bit finicky so a little follow up may be useful for someone in the future. The only reliable way I found to test all my leds was to do exactly this : * connect the Mobile, open USB Expert Console * start the ACW service (Tools>ACW>Start) * under Connected Panels click Titan Mobile Panel 1 * on the right side click on the 'LEDs' tab * For now, don't touch anything apart from the 'Led Range' section, and **don't** check the 'All' box. * Keep 1 as Start Led, and set the End Led at 56. * Now in the 'Binary State' section you can use any of the three (On/50/Off) buttons, and all leds should react accordingly (except those of the faders swop buttons). ===== Important Notes: ===== * If you use a greater number than 56 in the range (i.e. 1>57 or 2>57), it won't work at all. You won't even be able to off the leds you lit up until you go back to 56. * Note that the other test functions won't work either if the led range stop is above 56. * The 'All' button seems to have no effect (other than preventing you from editing the range), don't bother. * The 'Step Through LEDs' Function will allow you to find the order or the number of your faulty LED - if you have only one. * Yes, excluding faders there are only 54 leds on the TM. But [Record] is #56 and [Go] is #55. In my tests, numbers 30, 39 and 47 never lit anything. Sebastian says 30 is my faulty [Blind] led, and I could lit everything else, so I assume 39 and 47 are unassigned numbers. Again, I never managed to lit the fader's swop buttons, but they're easy enough to test in Titan itself so I won't bother. ===== Some more useful things ===== * LED numbers in the range don't match Keycodes found in the event Item Events panel * Of course it's possible to use USB Expert test tools while titan is running. The Binary State buttons will override any Titan induced LED state. * Selecting the 'Off' binary state for the 1-56 range, then pressing [Record] then [Exit] on the desk is a quick way to get back to the actual Titan LED state... * ... the latter is true for everything except faders. If you managed to change their swop led state in some manner (using 'Step Through LEDs' on some random range other than 1-56 is a great way to obtain confusing results like that), you can fortunately get them back by just moving the fader. {{:tricks:usbexpertled.jpg?600|}}