Types/Object ====== Leveladjust ====== This is an object type of data used to define a level change: absolutely (i.e. which level it shall be), or relatively (how much it shall be changed). There are three main settings for this: * Delta: The new value should be added to the current value of the item you are changing. * LevelMatch: The new value should replace the old value providing the level has been matched (like with faders after changing pages). * Absolute: The new value should be set regardless of the old value. By default the software will treat an float as an absolute value, this should be expressed as a value between 0 and 1. You can also as of v10.1 use the cast parameters to force the value to be treated as an absolute level (e.g. “level:0.5”) or a delta (e.g. “levelDelta:-0.1”). There are also three functions in Math that can allow you to create these which are: DeltaAdjust, LevelMatchAdjust and AbsoluteAdjust. (description by Gregory) ===== Examples ===== from [[macros:example:groupmasters]]: ==== absolute level ==== Group.SetGroupFaderLevel("Presets", 0, level:0.5, Global.PageSwitchAccuracy) This sets a level (here: of a group master) to 50%. ==== relative change ==== Group.SetGroupFaderLevel("Presets", 0, levelDelta:0.1, Global.PageSwitchAccuracy) This raises a level (here: of a group master) by 10%. == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} ~~DISCUSSION~~