====== Enum ====== Data of the Enum, or Enumerated, type is data with a fixed, limited number of options. Usually (as far as to be seen in Titan) the options need to be given as [[macros:type:string]]. As far as known, the possbible values for a property of type Enum should be denoted in the property's wiki post - see the properties below in [[#Also used in]] Examples: * a cue's fade mode can only be of "Mode0", "Mode1", "Mode2", or "Mode3" * the overall playback paging can only be of "AlwaysHold", "NeverHold", or "Normal" Some (few) enumerations are listed in the online documentation - just scroll to the end in the left-hand contents frame, e.g. * [[http://api.avolites.com/10.1/Avolites.Acw.Titan.AcwRecordMask.html|AcwRecordMask]] * [[http://api.avolites.com/10.1/Avolites.Titan.Controllers.GroupLayoutMode.html|GroupLayoutMode]] * [[http://api.avolites.com/10.1/Avolites.Acw.Titan.AcwTimecodeSource.html|AcwTimecodeSource]] == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}}