Titan Property ====== Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackSpeed ====== **This variable is only available from version 10.1 on.** ^ API | http://api.avolites.com/10.1/Playbacks.Editor.Times.playbackspeed.html | ^ description | Gets or sets the playback speed. For all playbacks this is the speed of effects in local master mode. In addition this is the speed of chases in all free run or local master mode. | ^ [[macros:namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:Playbacks.Editor.Times]] | ^ type | currently not exactly known. Based on the usage (see example below) it is assumed that this is a [[macros:type:single]] | == example == Math.Min("Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackSpeed", Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackSpeed * 2, 3600.0) Doubles the speed of the currently connected chase until a maximum of 3600 BPM == used in == {{backlinks>.}}