Identifier ====== PanelMidiCommands ====== List of the various MIDI commands. From the example in [[macros:example:addmiditrigger|]] it is believed that it is implemented as type [[macros:type:enum]] Triggers.AddMidiTrigger( Triggers.SelectedMappingId, Triggers.PendingTriggerTarget, 1, Math.ToEnum( "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console", "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console.PanelMidiCommands", "Continuous"), 1, 0, 127, 0, false) List from ^Member Value ^Description| |Note |The note. It is used as a wildcard for all the values of the note.| |Empty |The empty| |NoteOff |The note off| |NoteOn |The note on| |Aftertouch |The aftertouch| |Continuous |The continuous| |PatchChange |The patch change| |ChannelPressure |The channel pressure| |PitchBend |The pitch bend| |SystemMessage |The system message|