Identifier ====== MenuEventTypes ====== This identifier of type [[macros:type:enum|]] determines upon which event something is about to happen. See ^Member Value ^Description| |OnButtonDown |Fires when a button is pressed| |OnButtonUp |Fires when a button is released| |OnSelect |Fires when a button or menu item has been selected (button down followed by button up)| |OnAlternateSelect |Fires when a button or menu item has been selected in an alternate way Eg Right click, a modifier key is held or a long press on a touch screen| |OnRangeSelect |Fires when the user completes a range selection| |OnPreviewRangeSelect |Fires when the user is creating a range selection. Fires for the complete range every time the range changes whilst it is beind dragged out| |OnDescendInto |Fires when we enter a menu by pushing it onto the stack Doesn't fire when the menu is refreshed or when entering a menu by returning up the menu stack.| |OnEnter |Fires when we enter a menu from a different menu (ie doesn't fire on refresh)| |OnLoad |Fires every time we enter a menu| |OnLoaded |Fired when a menu completes loading.| |OnExit |Fires when we leave a menu either by pushing a further menu in front or popping this menu off| |OnAccendOut |Fires when we leave a menu by popping it off the stack. This will always be called, in sequence whenever we exit up through a menu but not when decending from the menu NB: Will also be called if a menu is replaced.| |OnEnterView |Fires when a item page enters view (ie becomes the current page)| |OnLeaveView |Fires when an item page leaves view| |OnValueChanged |Fires when the value of a panel item changes eg a fader move| |OnValueInitialise |Fires when the value of a panel item is initialised. This happens when the panel first connects and we need to synchronise the level with the actual hardware position.| |OnCaught |Fires when a menu exception is caught| |OnStepNext |Fires when a wheel steps forward| |OnStepPrevious |Fires when a wheel steps back| |OnPropertyChanged |Fires when an ActionScript Property changes value| |User |Events registered and fired via the Actionscript interface| == E.g. used in == {{backlinks>.}}