Identifier ====== Location ====== Within Titan, each and every single item which has been programmed **and assigned to a handle (button, fader or key)** also has a location - the 'address' of the handle it is assigned to. While more intuitive for the human user, this is slightly more complicated in terms of programming: a location comprises of the handle group (i.e. which window or which section of faders/buttons), the page ( 0-based: number 0 is displayed as page #1), and the handle index (which button on that page, again 0-based): "Location={string group_id},{int32 page},{int32 index}" Thus, a location might look like ''"Location=Playbacks,2,1"'' which denotes the 2nd button on the 3rd page of the Playbacks faders. The entire Location string is then passed to the function which needs a handle identifier, and parsed according to some internal mechanics: CueLists.GoBack("Location=Playbacks,2,1") Regarding pages see - there are funtions which only accept a handle group and index, always refering to the current page: >These functions are for use in places like the Record menu where the user is selecting a physical button and as such are hard coded to use the current page. >Pages have the following properties: > * Index: The internal page index, starts from zero. > * DisplayIndex: The page number that is displayed to the user, normally starts from one except for the preset pages on the Pearl Expert. > * Name: The legend of the page. > * DisplayName: The legend of the page if it has been set otherwise the display index. For an example of how to read the page index and put it in another property see [[|]] You can retrieve some locations from you show using web API, see [[webapi:examples:titanids]]. ==== Known Handle Group Ids ==== * [[macros:identifier:location:workspaces|Workspaces]] -- the Workspaces area * [[macros:identifier:location:fixtures|Fixtures]] -- the Fixtures workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:groups|Groups]] -- the Groups workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:playbacks]] -- the main fader handles. * [[macros:identifier:location:rollera|RollerA]] -- the lefthand roller on a Pearl Expert, and the odd pages of the roller on a Tiger Touch etc. However it is way easier to use 'playbacks' (see above). Also this is more transparent across the console types. * [[macros:identifier:location:rollerb|RollerB]] -- the righthand roller on a Pearl Expert, and the even pages of the roller on a Tiger Touch etc. However it is way easier to use 'playbacks' (see above). Also this is more transparent across the console types. * [[macros:identifier:location:staticplaybacks|StaticPlaybacks]] -- the top-right fader handles on a Tiger Touch and button handles on a Titan Mobile/Quartz, also shown in the 'Static Playbacks' workspace window. Note that the second row in this window refers to Static Playback handles 11~20. * [[macros:identifier:location:mobilewingaplaybacks|MobileWingAPlaybacks]] -- the fader handles on a Titan Mobile Faderwing, also mapped to the corresponding workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:mobilewingaexecutor|MobileWingAExecutor]] -- the button handles on a Titan Mobile Faderwing, also mapped to the corresponding workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:presets|Presets]] -- the upper fader handles on a Pearl Expert and Sapphire Touch which can be used for fixtures and for playbacks. The blue Swop buttons function as select buttons. Note that the Sapphire Touch supports 60 pages while the Pearl Expert knows only of 4 pages. This is also mapped to the 'Fixtures and Playbacks' workspace window. * [[macros:identifier:location:presetflashes|PresetFlashes]] -- the flash buttons for the upper presets on a Pearl Expert. You can store palettes and groups here. This is also mapped to the 'Groups an Palettes' workspace window. * [[macros:identifier:location:playbackwindow|PlaybackWindow]] -- the Playbacks workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:macros|Macros]] -- the Macros workspace window and the 10 designated 'Workspaces, Macros and Executors' buttons on a Tiger Touch - note that these are hard-linked to handles 1~10 in the current page of the macros workspace window and are paged with those. * [[macros:identifier:location:colours|Colours]] -- the Colours workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:positions|Positions]] -- the Positions workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:beams|Beams]] -- the Gobos&Beams workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:media|Media]] -- the Media workspace window * [[macros:identifier:location:effects|Effects]] -- the Shapes&Effects workspace window == used in == {{backlinks>.}} ~~DISCUSSION~~