Function ====== Triggers.SetPendingTargetAction ====== Void Triggers.SetPendingTargetAction(String actionId) ^ API | | ^ description | Sets the pending handle target action. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:triggers]] | ^ parameter | actionId( [[macros:type:string]] ) : The id (name) of the action to be triggered. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | This works in conjunction with [[macros:function:triggers.setpendingtargethandle|]] and inherently sets [[macros:property:triggers.pendingtriggertarget|]] ASSUMPTION Possible action IDs: ^actionId ^function| |Select|Select| |Level|Set Level| |FireAt|Fire At Level| |ReFireAt|Re-Fire At Level| |PresetLevel|Set Preset Level| |ProgrammerLevel|Set Programmer Level| |Flash|Flash| |Preload|Preload| |Go|Go| |GoBack|Go Back| |Stop|Stop| |Swop|Swop| |Latch|Latch| |Connect|Connect| |NextStepForward|Next Cue +| |NextStepBac|Next Cue -| |Review|Review Live Cue| |CutToLive|Cut Next Cue To Live| |SnapBack|Snap Back| == Example in == [[macros:example:addmiditrigger]]: Triggers.SetPendingTargetAction("Flash") == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~