Function ====== Triggers.AddMidiTrigger ====== Void Triggers.AddMidiTrigger(Int32 mappingId, TriggerTargetData targetData, Int32 channel, PanelMidiCommands panelCommand, Int32 value, Int32 min, Int32 max, Int32 threshold, Boolean useLevelMatching) ^ API | | ^ description | Adds a midi trigger and sets all its details. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:triggers]] | ^ parameter | mappingId ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : The id of the mapping to add the trigger to. | ^ ::: | targetData ( [[macros:type:object]] ) : The target data. The API states this is a separate type, \\ however it is assumed that this is simply an object, most likely the [[macros:property:triggers.pendingtriggertarget|]] | ^ ::: | channel ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : The MIDI channel. | ^ ::: | panelCommand ( [[macros:type:enum|]] [[macros:identifier:PanelMidiCommands]] ) : The MIDI command. | ^ ::: | value ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : The MIDI value coming with the command. | ^ ::: | min ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : minimum value | ^ ::: | max ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : maximum value | ^ ::: | threshold ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : threshold | ^ ::: | useLevelMatching ( [[macros:type:boolean]] ) : if set to true [use level matching]. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | == Example in == [[macros:example:addmiditrigger]]: Triggers.AddMidiTrigger( Triggers.SelectedMappingId, Triggers.PendingTriggerTarget, 1, Math.ToEnum( "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console", "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console.PanelMidiCommands", "Continuous"), 1, 0, 127, 0, false) == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~