Function ====== Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime ====== TimecodeTime Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime( Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds, Int32 frames, Boolean disabled, Object frameRate ) ^ API | | ^ description | Create a timecode time value from the specified parameters. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:Timecode]] | ^ parameter | hours ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : the hours value | ^ ::: | minutes ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : the minutes value | ^ ::: | seconds ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : the seconds value | ^ ::: | frames ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : the frames value | ^ ::: | disabled ( [[macros:type:boolean]] ) : if set to true mark the time as disabled. | ^ ::: | frameRate ( [[macros:type:object:frameRate]] ) : the frame rate value | ^ return value | [[macros:type:object:TimecodeTime]] | == Example in == [[macros:example:timecodetracks]]: Timecode.TimecodeTwo.SetStartTime(Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime(1, 00, 00, 00, false, 100)) Creates a TimecodeTime object and passes this to [[macros:function:Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetStartTime|Timecode.TimecodeTwo.SetStartTime]] == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~