Function ====== Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.GetControlIdFromName ====== Int32 Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.GetControlIdFromName(String controlName) ^ API | | ^ description | Gets the control identifier from its name. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:Programmer.Editor.Fixtures]] | ^ parameter | controlName ( [[macros:type:string]] ) : Name of the control. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:int32]] - the control identifier. | == Example in == [[macros:example:offonattribute:]]: Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.SetControlOff(Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.GetControlIdFromName("Shutter")) >Above I have also used the GetControlIdFromName function to get the control/attribute ID which SetControlOff takes as a parameter, some of these are pre-defined such as Dimmer being 16 however many others are not. == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~