Function ====== Programmer.Editor.Clear ====== Void Programmer.Editor.Clear(AcwRecordMask mask, Boolean presets, Boolean clearAllProgrammers, Single fadeTime) ^ API | | ^ description | Clears the editor and removes all values from the programmer. Also clears any fixture selections. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:Programmer.Editor]] | ^ parameter | mask ( [[macros:type:object:acwrecordmask]] ) : A mask of which attribute groups to clear. | ^ ::: | presets ( [[macros:type:boolean]] ) : if set to true clear preset fader levels. \\ This is only of interest in the Pearl Expert when patching fixtures onto the fader handles. | ^ ::: | clearAllProgrammers ( [[macros:type:boolean]] ) : if set to true clear all programmers. | ^ ::: | fadeTime ( [[macros:type:Single]] ) : The time to use when clearing HTP channels. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | == Example in == [[macros:example:clearcolour]]: Programmer.Editor.Clear(4, true, false, 0) This clears * the colour attribute * also from presets * only from the current programmer (the ''false'' - this leaves e.g. a remote untouched) * in 0 seconds. == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~