Function ====== Playbacks.StoreCue ====== Void Playbacks.StoreCue(String group, Int32 index, Boolean updateOnly) ^ API | | ^ description | Records a single cue on a playback. The new cue is created using the information in the programmer and the current record mode. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:playbacks]] | ^ parameter | group ( [[macros:type:string]] ) : The handle group the new cue is to be recorded on. See [[macros:identifier:location]] | ^ ::: | index ( [[macros:type:int32]] ) : The handle ID in the group the cue is to be recorded on. | ^ ::: | updateOnly ( [[macros:type:boolean]] ) : if set to true [update only]. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | == Example in == [[macros:example:recordsetusernumber]]: Playbacks.StoreCue("PlaybackWindow", 1000, false) == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~