Function ====== Menu.Stack.PushOrReloadMenu ====== Void Menu.Stack.PushOrReloadMenu(String stackId, String menuId) ^ API | | ^ description | Pushes a menu on a specific stack. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:menu.stack]] | ^ parameter | stackId( [[macros:type:string]] ) : The stack id. | ^ ::: | menuId ( [[macros:type:string]] ) : The menu id. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | The menus inside Titan are stacked. This function makes sure you are in a specific menu. Thus most recorded macros automatically start with something like ''Menu.Stack.PushOrReloadMenu("Primary", "Expert.Root.Program")''. == Example in == [[macros:example:changecolorchaseold]]: Menu.Stack.PushOrReloadMenu("Primary", "Expert.Root.Program") This jumps back to the root menu. == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~