Function ====== Math.IsEqual ====== Boolean Math.IsEqual(Object x, Object y) ^ API | | ^ description | Returns whether the two values are equal or not. | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:math]] | ^ parameter | x ( [[macros:type:object]] ) : The value to compare with y. | ^ ::: | y ( [[macros:type:object]] ) : The value to compare with x. | ^ return value | [[macros:type:boolean]] True is equal and false otherwise. | == Example in == [[macros:example:doublechasespeed]]: ... This step is only executed if the property [[macros:property:playbacks.editor.times.chasespeed]] equals 0.0 == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == As of version 10, it is possible to write conditions in a more modern way, which integrates such functions and logic operations as control structures: { if(Playbacks.Editor.Times.ChaseSpeed == 0.0) { ActionScript.SetProperty.Float("Playbacks.Editor.Times.ChaseSpeed", 1.0); } } ~~DISCUSSION~~