Function ====== Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles ====== Void Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles(IEnumerable`1 handles, Boolean retainPattern) ^ API | | ^ description | ASSUMPTION Sets the SourceHandleRange which is then used for some bulk opration | ^ [[macros:namespace|namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:Handles]] | ^ parameter | handles ( [[macros:type:IEnumerable]] ) : ASSUMPTION collection of the handles which is to be set into the SourceHandleRange| ^ ::: | retainPattern ( [[macros:type:Boolean]] ) : ASSUMPTION whether to retain the selection pattern | ^ return value | [[macros:type:void]] | == Example in == [[macros:example:parkselectedfixtures]]: Handles.SetSourceHandleRangeFromHandles(Windows.PatchView.Handles, true) Here, the fixtures previously selected into the property [[macros:property:windows.patchview.handles|]] are being set as SourceHandleRange for further actions (here: being parked, see exampls). == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~