Function ====== Handles.SapphireWingATop.ChangePage ====== [[:about_this_wiki|ASSUMPTION]] >>>This function is not documented and simply deducted from other factory macros, and found working. Hence, this entire documentation is assumed. Void Handles.SapphireWingATop.ChangePage(int32 index) ^ API | no | ^ description | toggles the top Playbacks on the first connected Sapphire Touch Faderwing to a specific page | ^ [[macros:namespace]] | [[macros:namespace:handles.sapphirewingatop]] | ^ parameter | [[macros:type:int32]] index -- the index of the page to change to | ^ return value | ([[macros:type:void]]) | == Example in == [[macros:example:changeplaybackpages]]: Changes the Sapphire Wing playbacks page to page 1. Handles.SapphireWingATop.ChangePage(0) == Also used in == {{backlinks>.}} == Remarks == ~~DISCUSSION~~