Example ====== Timecode - Set Start Time ====== ^ by: | Alex del Bondio (as usual with a little help, November 2019) | ^ published: | here | ^ description: | Set the start time for the internal timecode or Winamp | The idea is to use this macro to set the start time for the Winamp timecode and by doing so selecting tracks in Winamp without patching Winamp as a fixture. Here is an example for timecode 4 (I usually have TC 4 set to Winamp...) There is a thread in the forum for those interested [[http://forum.avolites.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&p=22493#p22493]] {{tag>set start time timecode}} //There are similar functions and properties in the namespaces [[macros:namespace:timecode.timecodeone|]], [[macros:namespace:timecode.timecodetwo|]], [[macros:namespace:timecode.timecodethree|]] and [[macros:namespace:timecode.timecodefour|]]. Use the functions for the particular timecode you want to use.// ==== functions ==== * [[macros:function:Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetStartTime]] * [[macros:function:Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime]] * [[macros:function:Timecode.TimecodeOne.Reset]] * [[macros:function:Math.IsEqual]] ==== properties ==== * [[macros:property:Timecode.TimecodeOne.IsControlAllowed|]] ==== control structure ==== * [[macros:control_structures|step condition]] The longer file with macros for all four timecodes is available here: {{ :macros:example:timecode_setstarttime_full.xml |}} ===== Code ===== Sets Timecode 4 to a specific value. Timecode.TimecodeFour.SetStartTime(Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime(11, 00, 00, 00, false, 100)) Timecode.TimecodeFour.Reset() ===== Explanation ===== This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to [[macros:formats_and_syntax#xml_format|Formats and syntax]] A specific timecode is set to a specific value. Effectively this only works for the internal timecode and Winamp and for Winamp this also works as a tool to jump to a specific song in the playlist. * ''Timecode.TimecodeFour.SetStartTime'' is used to set the actual start time of the timecode * ''Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime'' is used to convert a time of the format 01:00:00:00 into a format Titan can use. This function can be put directly in as parameter for SetStartTime * ''Timecode.TimecodeFour.Reset'' is needed to finally update the start time ===== How to use it ===== See [[macros:deploying]]. \\ What I like to do: use it in my set list for preprogramming. When you program with timecode changing the playlist in Winamp is a bit of a pain. Instead I add track macros in the setlist making Winamp skip to the desired track. ~~DISCUSSION~~