Example ====== Release - Set Priority ====== ^ by: | Sebastian Beutel | ^ published: | December 2017 | ^ description: | sets release priority | ^ remarks: | idea see https://www.facebook.com/groups/1811437589141428/permalink/2027076607577524/ | Note that this only sets the priority but doesn't actually release. A macro which does boeth is this: [[macros:example:setreleasepriorityandrelease|]] {{tag>release priority}} ==== functions ==== * [[:macros:function:ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum]] ==== affected properties ==== * [[:macros:property:Playbacks.ReleasePriority]] **Note that the syntax is slightly different from the API documentation. This macro has been successfully tested in Titan 10.1.** ===== Code ===== ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.ReleasePriority", "LowPriority") ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.ReleasePriority", "MediumPriority") ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.ReleasePriority", "HighPriority") ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.ReleasePriority", "ProgrammerPriority") ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.ReleasePriority", "MaximumPriority") ===== Explanation ===== This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to [[:macros:formats_and_syntax#xml_format|Formats and syntax]] These macros set the release setting/user setting ''Release Priority'' which can either be set by clicking '''' and toggling ''[Release Priority]'', or by setting the user setting. ===== How to use it ===== * [[:macros:deploying|make this macro available]] * fire one of the macros to set the release priority as intended ~~DISCUSSION~~