Example ====== Legend - Set a playback's legend ====== ^ by: | Kim Wida/Gregory Haynes, Feb 2018 | ^ published: | http://forum.avolites.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=5576 | ^ description: | Set a playback's legend | ^ remarks: | | {{tag>playback legend}} ==== functions ==== * [[:macros:function:Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle]] * [[:macros:function:ActionScript.SetProperty]] * [[:macros:function:Handles.SetLegend]] * [[:macros:function:Handles.ClearSelection]] ==== properties ==== * [[macros:property:handles.sourcehandle]] //(Implicitely used.)// * [[macros:property:handles.pendinglegend]] ===== Code ===== Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle("chaseHandleUN=10555") ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.PendingLegend", "Test") Handles.SetLegend() Handles.ClearSelection() ===== Explanation ===== This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to [[:macros:formats_and_syntax#xml_format|Formats and syntax]] This is an example of how to set a playback's legend. (There is another example for [[macros:example:setcuelegend|setting a playback cue's legend]]). * ''Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle("chaseHandleUN=10555")'' selects a specific handle to set its legend. * ''ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.PendingLegend", "Test")'' sets the general property 'Handles.PendingLegend' to a specific string * ''Handles.SetLegend()'' applies this legend to the previously selected playback * ''Handles.ClearSelection()'' unselects the playback handle. ===== How to use it ===== - edit to meet your needs (or set a chaser to userNumber 10555) and [[:macros:deploying|make this macro available]] - call this macro to set this playback's legend. Most likely you will use this for other purposes. ~~DISCUSSION~~