Example ====== Masters - Rate Master Functions ====== ^ by: | Alex del Bondio | ^ published: | April 2019 | ^ description: | Macros for rate masters. | ^ remarks: | This is based on the [[macros:identifier:titanid|fixed Titan IDs]] which we found exactly for these macros. | {{tag>rate master}} ==== functions ==== * [[macros:function:Masters.SetMaster]] * [[macros:function:Masters.DeadBlackOut]] * [[macros:function:Masters.ClearFlash]] * [[macros:function:Masters.NudgeUp]] * [[macros:function:Masters.NudgeDown]] **The Titan IDs have slightly changed from v10 to v11 see [[macros:identifier:titanid]], and while the mentioned reserved IDs are a good starting point, there is no guarantee they haven't changed in your show. If these macros do not work for you then try to find the Titan IDs of your masters and adjust the macros accordingly.** ===== Code ===== These are examples for Rate Master 1. For other Rate Masters (including Rate Grand Master) please refer to the Titan IDs mentioned above Masters.SetMaster(1613, 1) Masters.SetMaster(1613, 0.5) Masters.SetMaster(1613, 0) Masters.DeadBlackOut(1613) Masters.ClearFlash(1613) Masters.NudgeUp(1613) Masters.NudgeDown(1613) ===== Explanation ===== This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to [[macros:formats_and_syntax#xml_format|Formats and syntax]] ===== How to use it ===== - [[macros:deploying|make this macro available]] - apply when needed (you'll see the results when you have the relevant master assigned) ~~DISCUSSION~~