Example ====== Playback - Flash **timed** playbacks together ====== ^ by: | Sebastian Beutel, August 2024 | ^ published: | here | ^ description: | Flashes/unflashes some playbacks together. Useful to use with individual flash-out times. | ^ remarks: | see https://www.facebook.com/groups/Avolites/posts/3147774632021416 | {{tag>combine playbacks flash timed release}} ==== functions ==== * [[:macros:function:Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback]] * [[:macros:function:Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback]] ==== control structures ==== * [[:macros:xml_file_format#lines_5_through_8|start/end notation]] ===== Code ===== Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=101") Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=102") Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=103") Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=104") Playbacks.FlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=105") Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=101") Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=102") Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=103") Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=104") Playbacks.ClearFlashTimedPlayback("cueHandleUN=105") ===== Explanation ===== This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to [[:macros:formats_and_syntax#xml_format|Formats and syntax]] This macro, when fired, flashes playbacks with usernumbers 101 - 105 with their fade- and delay time (timed flash). When the macro button is let go the playbacks are timed-flashed out. This is rather useful for multiple fixtures (or zones) with multiple flash times. ===== How to use it ===== - [[:macros:deploying|make this macro available]] - in this example move the macros to one of the executor buttons - create your flash playbacks to your liking (i.e. the playbacks for the fixtures which you want to flash, with their individual levels and times) - give the playback which you want to flash together usernumbers from 101-105 - now, when you fire this macro, the playbacks are times-flashed-in and timed-flashed-out together, taking individual fade times into account ~~DISCUSSION~~