Downloads ====== Midi To Web ====== //This has been developed with Titan v11. Since Titan v12 Titan supports USB-MIDI input (not with Titan One/T1). Thus, this is mostly obsolete and is only available for documentation.// MidiToWeb is a little program which converts MIDI messages - from class-compliant USB-MIDI-devices - to http-requests which allow to control a Titan installation. As this requires the WebAPI running **it does not work with Titan One**. Also it doesn't work with stand-alone Titan consoles since the required MIDI drivers are not installed. However it is a useful addendum for Titan Mobiles, and can be used on a separate computer which is networked to your Titan console. MidiToWeb has been developed with Titan v11.0 It may - or may not - work with Titan v10, but you may be required to change the requests which are being sent to Titan. MidiToWeb comes as installer - which sets all the links and shortcuts for you - and as a zip-only package which simply needs to be unpacked and the program started. And since it's released open source under the New BSD licence the sources are also available - maybe a starting point for your next arduino project? Additionally, in order to find out Titan IDs and locations in your show, there is a little html page available which shows all this (if Titan Mobile or Titan Simulator is currently running on your computer): gettitanids.htm. MidiToWeb was released in June 2018, the current version is 0.9. However, as Titan IDs has been updated on 11.04.2020 the current version is named 0.9a. Ressources: * the installer: [[|MidiToWeb Setup.exe]] (2.6 MB) * the manual (already included with the installer): [[|MidiToWeb_Manual_v0.9.pdf]] (738 kB) * gettitanids.htm (already included, but you may as well call it from here): [[|gettitanids.htm]] * the compact zip package: [[|]] (1.3 MB) * the sources: [[|]] (133 kB) Any feedback is highly appreciated. Finally, this video gives you an idea of how to use and configure MidiToWeb: {{youtube>Vx2CHL1peiw?large}}