====== Ai Knowledge Base ====== This is intended to be a collection of information regarding Avolites' Ai servers - see https://www.avolites.com/products/video. The focus is on the Ai software - a very unique, node-based mediaserver system. Of course there is plenty of official documentation available, in particular the [[https://www.avolites.com/software/ai-downloads#3231|help files]] which are included with the software, a designated [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1995102897444557/|facebook group]], an [[http://aiforum.forumotion.co.uk/|Ai forum]], and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfXkyA_R8lg&t=15s|numerous videos]]. However, a wiki has the opportunity to contribute some user generated content, and link the information together. Some parts where a wiki might be particularly useful are: * [[ai:patching basics]] - an introduction into the patch engine and how to make use of it * [[ai:customising_modules|]] explains details of working with patches and modules * the [[ai:modules|modules]] of the patch engine * Ai also comes with a number of ready-to-use patches for special tasks - they are listed in [[ai:patches|]] * [[ai:examples|examples]] for the patch engine, based on the previously mentioned modules * [[ai:specifics|specific aspects]] of the use of Ai * **out of numerous questions here is a [[ai:dos and donts|list of DOs and DONTs]] when it comes to using a media server**