Ai Modules ====== Vector Math ====== ^ section | Math | ^ short description | applies a math function to two vectors | ^ licence level | Anjuna | ^ ports | V1 [control/vector] -- input 1| ^ ::: | V2 [control/vector] -- input 2 | ^ ::: | VOut [control/vector] -- output | ^ parameter | Mode [dropdown/select] -- the function to apply | ^ skins | ./. | ==== used in example ==== {{backlinks>.#ai:examples}} ===== Manual ===== > Performs one of several common math functions on the two input vectors and outputs the result. > {{:ai:modules:math:vectormath.png|}} ===== Modes/available functions ===== * Add * Sub * Dix * Mod * V1 Norm * V2 Norm * = * < * <= * > * >= * != * V1 Floor * V2 Floor * V1 Ceil * V2 Ceil * Max * Min