Ai Modules ====== TexTranslate ====== ^ section | GL | ^ short description | repositions a texture | ^ licence level | Bondi| ^ ports | Input [texture] | ^ ::: | Output [texture] | ^ ::: | VectorIn [control/vector] | ^ ::: | XVectorMod/YVectorMod/ZVectorMod [control/numeric] | ^ parameter | X/Y/Z [knob/rotary fader] | ^ ::: | XModAmount/YModAmount/ZModAmount [knob/rotary fader] | ^ skins | [Default], Text, VectorIn | This operates on textures before rendering. In order to translate a rendered object there is another module [[ai:modules:gl:translate|]]. ==== used in example ==== {{backlinks>.#ai:examples}} ===== Manual ===== > Adjusts the position of the input GPU texture in 2D texture coordinate space. > {{:ai:modules:gl:texttranslate.png|}}