Ai Modules ====== Render To Texture ====== ^ section | GL | ^ short description | Renders a 2D Texture out of a GL render stream | ^ licence level | Anjuna | ^ ports | Input [GL render] | ^ ::: | Output [texture] | ^ ::: | Size Input [control/numeric] - size of the target texture | ^ parameter | Width [input/numeric] - width of the target texture | ^ ::: | Height [input/numeric] - height of the target texture | ^ ::: | Size Mode [dropdown select] - Size input/Auto -- which mode to define the texture resolution | ^ skins | ./. | ==== used in example ==== {{backlinks>.#ai:examples}} ===== Manual ===== > Converts a Yellow render port into a green texture port. On the GPU the render pipeline is rendered into a texture at the specified width and height, or alternatively the dimensions can be set automatically by the dimensions of the incoming render by selecting the 'Auto' Size mode option. > {{:ai:modules:gl:rendertotexture.png|}}