Ai Modules ====== Camera (GL) ====== ^ section | GL | ^ short description | renders the input from the point of view which is set by the camera input | ^ licence level | Bondi | ^ ports | Input [gl/render] | ^ ::: | Output [gl/render] | ^ ::: | Eye Pos [control] | ^ ::: | Look At [control] | ^ ::: | Side [control] | ^ ::: | Cam [multipurpose] -- connect to a camera controller | ^ parameter | Near [input/numeric] | ^ ::: | Far [input/numeric] | ^ ::: | ZTest [togglebutton] | ^ skins | [Default], EyeTarget | ==== used in example ==== {{backlinks>.#ai:examples}} ===== Manual ===== > Renders the input GL render from the point of view of the input camera > {{:ai:modules:gl:gl_camera.png|}}