~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Ai Examples ====== Collection of Ai patches and example applications, for various purposes. Please feel free to add more. If you are not into writing in a wiki but want to contribute neithertheless please send an email to [[s.beutel@avolites.de]] Currently there are {{NUMBEROFPAGES>:ai:examples}} examples in this wiki: ---- ~~TAGCLOUD>ai~~ ---- ===== Selection of some examples ===== | {{:ai:examples:advancedoutputpatch:3screens_perspective.png?200|Advanced Output Patch}} | **[[ai:examples:advancedoutputpatch:advancedoutputpatch|]]**\\ \\ Patch preview windows per output, and assign only specific objects to outputs | | {{:ai:examples:craftedmulticubemodel:cube_model.png?200|A Crafted Multicube Model}} | ** [[ai:examples:craftedmulticubemodel:craftedmulticubemodel|]]**\\ \\ A special model made for visualisation, created with special tools. \\ Also discussing uv-mapping and the structure of obj-files. | | {{:ai:examples:artnetvideoswitch:video_switch_2.png?200|Artnet Video Switch}} | ** [[ai:examples:artnetvideoswitch:artnetvideoswitch|]]**\\ \\ Send Ethernet commands, triggered by Artnet, in order to control an external video switcher. | | {{:ai:examples:csv_score_board:csv_scoreboard.png?200|CSV Score Board}} | **[[ai:examples:csv_score_board:csv_score_board|]]**\\ \\ A score board which renders results to be displayed live from a csv file. | | {{:ai:examples:js_multiline:js_multiline_combined.png?200|Javascript Multiline Text}} | **[[ai:examples:js_multiline:js_multiline|]]**\\ \\ Javascript example to word-wrap long strings and render the result into a multiline texture. | | {{:ai:examples:limitartnetfunctionality:disable_artnet.png?200|Limit ArtNet functionality}} | ** [[ai:examples:limitartnetfunctionality:limitartnetfunctionality|]]**\\ \\ Disable global ArtNet control, and create specific ArtNet listeners. | | {{:ai:examples:midilayerselect:midi_layer_select_patch.png?200|Midi Layer Select}} | **[[ai:examples:midilayerselect:midilayerselect|]]**\\ \\ Select layers with Midi commands. | | {{:ai:examples:js_simple_patch:arrans_javascript_example.jpg?200|Simple Javascript Example}} | **[[ai:examples:js_simple_patch:js_simple_patch|]]**\\ \\ A simple Javascript example to show how the javascript module works. | | {{:ai:examples:simulatedscreen:simout_part.png?200|Simulated Screen Output}} | **[[ai:examples:simulatedscreen:simulatedscreen|]]**\\ \\ Simulating screen outputs in a designated resolution with simple windows, without connected screens. | | {{:ai:examples:movingmatrix:moving_matrix.png?200|Visualiser: Moving Matrix}} | **[[ai:examples:movingmatrix:movingmatrix|]]**\\ \\ Use Ai as Visualiser for an ArtNet-controlled matrix of moving objects. | | {{:ai:examples:movingrgbmatrix:moving_rgb_overview_sm.png?200|Visualiser: Moving RGB Matrix}} | **[[ai:examples:movingrgbmatrix:movingrgbmatrix|]]**\\ \\ Use Ai as Visualiser for an ArtNet-controlled matrix of moving objects. This project also features RGB control per object and renders a control window. |